Sunday, December 8, 2013

fakta : umum (english version) 301~400

#300 Pennsylvania is misspelled on the Liberty Bell. #301 William Shakespeare was born and died on the same day: April 23. #302 Ketchup was once sold as a medicine. #303 Napoleon suffered from a fear of cats. #304 In 1900, 1/3 of all automobiles in New York City were powered by electricity. #305 The 4th Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich so he could eat and gamble at the same time. #306 In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac. #307 All dog breeds except chow-chows have black lips to prevent them from getting sunburned. #308 Connecticut was the first state to pass a Lemon Law in 1982. #309 Ancient Egyptians believed that the "vein of love" ran from the third finger on the left hand to the heart. #310 The word "facetious" features all the vowels in alphatbetical order. #311 The standard Chinese typewriter has 1,500 characters. #312 A flea can jump 30,000 times without stopping. #313 "O" is the oldest letter of the alphabet, dating back to 3000 B.C. #314 The Japanese word "judo" means "the gentle way". #315 No two lip impressions are the same. #316 It took Leonardo da Vinci 12 years to paint the lips of the Mona Lisa. #317 Lemon sharks can give birth to about 36 babies at one time. #318 Top-performing companies are called "blue chips" after the costliest chips in casinos . #319 The name for the space between your eyebrows is "nasion." #320 There is a town called Jackpot in Nevada. #321 The word “purple” does not rhyme with any other word in the English language. #322 In the U.S., there are about 15,000 vacuum cleaner-related accidents. #323 The Lemon-Yellow Tree Frog is only active in the darkness of night. #324 The legs of bats are too weak to support their weight, so they hang upside down. #325 75% of people wash from top to bottom in the shower. #326 On average, you'll spend a year of your life looking for misplaced objects. #327 Chewing gum was invented in New York City in 1870 by Thomas Adams. #328 The Statue of Liberty features 7 points in her crown -- one for each of the continents. #329 The world's first escalator was built in Coney Island, NY, in 1896. #330 The top of the Empire State Building was originally built as a place to anchor blimps. #331 The area code in Cape Canaveral, FL, is 321. #332 Ohio is the only U.S. state that does not have a rectangular flag. #333 Long Island is the largest island in the Continental U.S. #334 Thomas Edison coined the word "hello" and introduced it as a way to answer the phone. #335 Maine produces more toothpicks than any other state in the U.S. #336 The last letter to be added to our alphabet was "J". #337 Farmington, Maine celebrates Chester Greenwood Day to honor the inventor of earmuffs. #338 Of all the trees in Australia, 75% are eucalyptus. #339 There are more doughnut shops per capita in Canada than in any other country. #340 There is an underground mushroom in Oregon that measures 3.5 miles across. #341 Of the 92 counties in Indiana, only 5 observe daylight savings time. #342 California and Arizona grow approximately 95% of the fresh lemons in the U.S. #343 The term 007 was derived from 20007, the home zip code of many Washington, D.C. agents. #344 Leonardo da Vinci discovered that a tree's rings reveal its age. #345 The popsicle was invented in 1905 by an 11-year-old boy. #346 The medical term for writer's cramp is graphospasm. #347 A male firefly's light is twice as bright as a female's. #348 It is estimated that the world's oceans contain 10 billion tons of gold. #349 Most cats don't like lemonade. #350 The watersheds that supply water to New York City are roughly the size of Delaware. #351 Cold water weighs less than hot water. #352 Storm clouds hold about 6 trillion raindrops. #353 The weight of the moon is 81 billion tons. #354 Bamboo can grow 3 feet in one day. #355 A tune that gets stuck in your head is called an earworm. #356 You exhale air at 15 m.p.h. #357 A baboon is a variety of lemon. #358 Butterflies were formerly known by the name "flutterby". #359 A teaspoon contains 120 drops of water. #360 Mexican jumping beans jump to get out of sunlight. #361 The pineapple is a very big berry. #362 "Arachibutiphobia" is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. #363 Pearls dissolve in vinegar. #364 Borborygmi is the noise that your stomach makes when you are hungry. #365 The oil in cashews helps prevent tooth decay. #366 The center of some golf balls contain honey. #367 International tug of war rules state that the rope must be over 100 feet long. #368 In 2003, a 6-year-old from Naples, FL was ticketed for not having a permit for her lemonade stand. #369 On Valentine's Day, there is no charge to get married in the Empire State Building's chapel. #370 Heat, not sunlight, ripens tomatoes. #371 Grapes are the most popular fruit in the world. #372 A housefly hums in the key of F. #373 Endacorp is the edible pulp inside a lemon. #374 Thomas Edison coined the word "hello" and introduced it as a way to answer the phone. #375 "Way" is the most frequently used noun in the English language. #376 The "high five" was introduced by a professional baseball player in 1977. #377 "Disco" means "I learn" in Latin. #378 It costs the U.S. government 2.5 cents to produce a quarter. #379 The "lemon yellow" crayon was introduced in 1949 and retired in 1990. #380 It is illegal for a portrait of a living person to appear on U.S. postage stamps. #381 Baboons were once trained by Egyptians to wait on tables. #382 The official state gem of Washington is petrified wood. #383 Mt. Katahdin in Maine is the first place in the U.S. to get sunlight each morning. #384 Each year, the average person walks the distance from NY to Miami. #385 Lemons are more acidic than vinegar. #386 New York City's public school students represent about 188 different countries. #387 A banana is a giant herb. #388 The first person in the U.S. arrested for speeding was a NYC cab driver. #389 In the U.S., all interstate highways that run east to west are even-numbered. #390 Jack is the most common name in nursery rhymes. #391 A sea lemon is a mollusk that feeds on sponges. #392 Three out of every six Americans live within 50 miles of where they were born. #393 The raised bump reflectors on U.S. roads are named "Botts dots. #394 Nearly 9,000 people injure themselves with a toothpick each year. #395 It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. #396 The dragonfly can reach speeds of up to 36 mph. #397 Bamboo can grow over three feet per day. #398 Hippos can open their mouth 180 degrees. #399 Manhattan was the first capital of the United States. #400 About 80 women go into labor on NYC subways every year.

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